Very basic functionality

This commit is contained in:
Cameron Reed 2024-07-25 13:48:17 -06:00
parent 4fde566f6a
commit 5e52041e67
8 changed files with 978 additions and 17 deletions

src/borders.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
pub const Border = struct {
top_left: u21,
top_right: u21,
bottom_left: u21,
bottom_right: u21,
top: u21,
bottom: u21,
left: u21,
right: u21,
pub const BasicBorder = Border{
.top_left = '┌',
.top_right = '┐',
.bottom_left = '└',
.bottom_right = '┘',
.top = '─',
.bottom = '─',
.left = '│',
.right = '│',
pub const BoldBorder = Border{
.top_left = '┏',
.top_right = '┓',
.bottom_left = '┗',
.bottom_right = '┛',
.top = '━',
.bottom = '━',
.left = '┃',
.right = '┃',
pub const DoubleBorder = Border{
.top_left = '╔',
.top_right = '╗',
.bottom_left = '╚',
.bottom_right = '╝',
.top = '═',
.bottom = '═',
.left = '║',
.right = '║',
pub const BigBorder = Border{
.top_left = '▛',
.top_right = '▜',
.bottom_left = '▙',
.bottom_right = '▟',
.top = '▀',
.bottom = '▄',
.left = '▌',
.right = '▐',

src/colors.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
pub const Color = struct {
type: enum { Default, RGB },
red: u8,
green: u8,
blue: u8,
pub fn equal(self: Color, other: Color) bool {
if (self.type != other.type) {
return false;
if (self.type == .Default) {
return true;
return == and == and ==;
pub const Default = Color{
.type = .Default,
.red = undefined,
.green = undefined,
.blue = undefined,
pub inline fn RGB(red: u8, green: u8, blue: u8) Color {
return .{
.type = .RGB,
.red = red,
.green = green,
.blue = blue,

src/dimensions.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
pub const Anchor = enum {
pub const Position = struct {
x: usize,
y: usize,
pub const Size = struct {
width: usize,
height: usize,
pub const Dimensions = struct {
size_type: enum { Relative, Absolute },
size: Size,
anchor: Anchor,
pub const CalculatedDimensions = struct {
size: Size,
pos: Position,
pub const Fill = Dimensions{
.size_type = .Relative,
.anchor = .TopLeft,
.size = .{
.width = 100,
.height = 100,

View File

@ -1,24 +1,73 @@
const std = @import("std");
const term = @import("term.zig");
const borders = @import("borders.zig");
const pane = @import("pane.zig");
const color = @import("colors.zig");
const dim = @import("dimensions.zig");
var term_io: term.TermIO = undefined;
pub fn panic(msg: []const u8, error_return_trace: ?*std.builtin.StackTrace, ret_addr: ?usize) noreturn {
std.builtin.default_panic(msg, error_return_trace, ret_addr);
pub fn main() !void {
// Prints to stderr (it's a shortcut based on ``)
std.debug.print("All your {s} are belong to us.\n", .{"codebase"});
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
defer {
if (gpa.deinit() == .leak) {
std.debug.print("Memory was leaked D:\n", .{});
// stdout is for the actual output of your application, for example if you
// are implementing gzip, then only the compressed bytes should be sent to
// stdout, not any debugging messages.
const stdout_file =;
var bw =;
const stdout = bw.writer();
term_io = try term.getTermIO();
try stdout.print("Run `zig build test` to run the tests.\n", .{});
try pane.init(&term_io);
defer pane.cleanup(&term_io);
try bw.flush(); // don't forget to flush!
test "simple test" {
var list = std.ArrayList(i32).init(std.testing.allocator);
defer list.deinit(); // try commenting this out and see if zig detects the memory leak!
try list.append(42);
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(i32, 42), list.pop());
var top = pane.Pane{
.dimensions = dim.Fill,
.border = borders.BoldBorder,
.children = std.ArrayList(*pane.Pane).init(allocator),
.background = color.RGB(30, 30, 30),
.foreground = color.RGB(0, 255, 0),
var child = pane.Pane{
.parent = &top,
.children = null,
.dimensions = .{
.anchor = .Center,
.size_type = .Relative,
.size = .{ .width = 50, .height = 50 },
.border = borders.BoldBorder,
.background = color.RGB(125, 0, 125),
.foreground = color.RGB(255, 125, 10),
pane.top_pane = ⊤
try top.children.?.append(&child);
const childWriter = child.writer(&term_io);
var key = term_io.getKey(false);
while (key.value != 113 and !pane.should_exit) {
try pane.tick(&term_io);
if (key.type == .ASCII and key.value == 111) {
try std.fmt.format(childWriter, "\x1b[2J", .{});
try term_io.flush();
if (key.type == .ASCII and key.value == 110) {
try std.fmt.format(childWriter, "Hello", .{});
try term_io.flush();
if (key.type == .ASCII and key.value == 109) {
try std.fmt.format(childWriter, "Hello\n", .{});
try term_io.flush();
key = term_io.getKey(false);

src/pane.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
const std = @import("std");
const color = @import("colors.zig");
const dim = @import("dimensions.zig");
const term = @import("term.zig");
const Border = @import("borders.zig").Border;
const TermIO = term.TermIO;
pub var top_pane: *Pane = undefined;
pub var focused_pane: ?*Pane = null;
pub var should_exit: bool = false;
var needs_redraw = true;
var redraw_count: usize = 0;
fn resize_signal(sig: i32) callconv(.C) void {
_ = sig;
needs_redraw = true;
fn exit_signal(sig: i32) callconv(.C) void {
_ = sig;
should_exit = true;
pub fn init(term_io: *TermIO) !void {
var resize_handler = std.posix.Sigaction{
.handler = .{ .handler = resize_signal },
.mask = std.posix.empty_sigset,
.flags = 0,
try std.posix.sigaction(std.posix.SIG.WINCH, &resize_handler, null);
var exit_handler = std.posix.Sigaction{
.handler = .{ .handler = exit_signal },
.mask = std.posix.empty_sigset,
.flags = 0,
try std.posix.sigaction(std.posix.SIG.INT, &exit_handler, null);
term_io.saveScreen() catch {};
try term_io.flush();
pub fn cleanup(term_io: *TermIO) void {
term_io.restoreScreen() catch {};
term_io.flush() catch {};
pub fn tick(term_io: *TermIO) !void {
if (needs_redraw) {
needs_redraw = false;
const size = term.getTermSize(term_io);
try top_pane.ReDraw(term_io, size);
redraw_count += 1;
try std.fmt.format(top_pane.writer(term_io), "Resized {} times", .{redraw_count});
try term_io.flush();
pub const Overflow = struct {
x: enum { Wrap, Hidden },
y: enum { Scroll, Hidden },
pub const Cursor = struct {
x: usize,
y: usize,
pub const Pane = struct {
parent: ?*Pane = null,
children: ?std.ArrayList(*Pane),
border: ?Border = null,
cursor: Cursor = .{ .x = 0, .y = 0 },
overflow: Overflow = .{ .x = .Hidden, .y = .Hidden },
dimensions: dim.Dimensions,
calcDims: dim.CalculatedDimensions = undefined,
background: color.Color = color.Default,
foreground: color.Color = color.Default,
pub const WriterContext = struct { pane: *Pane, term_io: *const TermIO };
pub const Writer =, std.fs.File.WriteError, write);
pub fn ReDraw(self: *Pane, term_io: *TermIO, parentDims: dim.CalculatedDimensions) !void {
self.calcDims = .{ .pos = parentDims.pos, .size = self.dimensions.size };
if (self.dimensions.size_type == .Relative) {
std.debug.assert(self.dimensions.size.width <= 100 and self.dimensions.size.height <= 100);
self.calcDims.size.width = (parentDims.size.width * self.dimensions.size.width) / 100;
self.calcDims.size.height = (parentDims.size.height * self.dimensions.size.height) / 100;
try term_io.setColor(self.background, self.foreground);
switch (self.dimensions.anchor) {
.TopLeft => {},
.TopCenter => {
self.calcDims.pos.x = parentDims.pos.x + (parentDims.size.width - self.calcDims.size.width) / 2;
.TopRight => {
self.calcDims.pos.x = parentDims.pos.x + parentDims.size.width - self.calcDims.size.width;
.CenterLeft => {
self.calcDims.pos.y = parentDims.pos.y + (parentDims.size.height - self.calcDims.size.height) / 2;
.Center => {
self.calcDims.pos.x = parentDims.pos.x + (parentDims.size.width - self.calcDims.size.width) / 2;
self.calcDims.pos.y = parentDims.pos.y + (parentDims.size.height - self.calcDims.size.height) / 2;
.CenterRight => {
self.calcDims.pos.x = parentDims.pos.x + parentDims.size.width - self.calcDims.size.width;
self.calcDims.pos.y = parentDims.pos.y + (parentDims.size.height - self.calcDims.size.height) / 2;
.BottomLeft => {
self.calcDims.pos.y = parentDims.pos.y + parentDims.size.height - self.calcDims.size.height;
.BottomCenter => {
self.calcDims.pos.y = parentDims.pos.y + parentDims.size.height - self.calcDims.size.height;
self.calcDims.pos.x = parentDims.pos.x + (parentDims.size.width - self.calcDims.size.width) / 2;
.BottomRight => {
self.calcDims.pos.y = parentDims.pos.y + parentDims.size.height - self.calcDims.size.height;
self.calcDims.pos.x = parentDims.pos.x + parentDims.size.width - self.calcDims.size.width;
if (self.border) |border| {
var fill = false;
if (self.parent) |parent| {
fill = !self.background.equal(parent.background);
} else {
fill = !self.background.equal(color.Default);
try term_io.drawBox(self.calcDims, border, fill);
try term_io.flush();
//_ = term_io.getKey(true);
if (self.children) |children| {
for (children.items) |child| {
try child.ReDraw(term_io, self.calcDims);
try child.focus(term_io);
pub fn focus(self: *Pane, term_io: *const TermIO) !void {
focused_pane = self;
self.cursor = .{ .x = 0, .y = 0 };
try term_io.setColor(self.background, self.foreground);
fn nextLine(self: *Pane, term_io: *const TermIO) void {
self.cursor.x = 0;
self.cursor.y += 1;
pub fn moveCursor(self: *Pane, term_io: *const TermIO) void {
const borderWidth: u1 = if (self.border != null) 1 else 0;
term_io.moveCursor(self.calcDims.pos.x + self.cursor.x + borderWidth, self.calcDims.pos.y + self.cursor.y + borderWidth) catch {};
pub fn print(self: *Pane, term_io: *const TermIO, string: []const u8) !void {
const borderWidth: u2 = if (self.border != null) 1 else 0;
var space = self.calcDims.size.width - self.cursor.x - (2 * borderWidth);
var i: usize = 0;
while (string.len - i >= space) {
try term_io.print("{s}", .{string[i .. i + space]}, .{});
i += space;
space = self.calcDims.size.width - (2 * borderWidth);
if (i < string.len) {
try term_io.print("{s}", .{string[i..]}, .{});
self.cursor.x += string.len - i;
pub fn writer(self: *Pane, term_io: *const TermIO) Writer {
return .{
.context = .{ .pane = self, .term_io = term_io },
pub fn write(self: WriterContext, bytes: []const u8) std.fs.File.WriteError!usize {
if (self.pane != focused_pane) {
try self.pane.focus(self.term_io);
const borderWidth: u2 = if (self.pane.border != null) 1 else 0;
for (bytes) |byte| {
switch (byte) {
'\x1b' => continue,
'\n' => self.pane.nextLine(self.term_io),
else => {
self.pane.cursor.x += try self.term_io.stdout.write(&[_]u8{byte});
if (self.pane.cursor.x >= self.pane.calcDims.size.width - (2 * borderWidth)) {
return bytes.len;

src/term.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,563 @@
const std = @import("std");
const fs = std.fs;
const posix = std.posix;
const borders = @import("borders.zig");
const dim = @import("dimensions.zig");
const color = @import("colors.zig");
var orig_termios: posix.termios = undefined;
pub const MenuError = error{ForgottenMenuItem};
pub const KeyType = enum {
pub const SequenceKey = enum(u8) {
pub const Key = struct {
type: KeyType,
value: u8,
pub const PrintFlags = struct {
dim: bool = false,
bold: bool = false,
italic: bool = false,
underline: bool = false,
highlight: bool = false,
pub const SelectMenuItem = struct {
name: []const u8,
selected: bool = false,
pub const MenuItem = struct {
name: []const u8,
value: usize,
disabled: bool = false,
pub const SelectMenu = struct {
title: []const u8,
items: []SelectMenuItem,
focused_item: usize = 0,
cancelled: bool = false,
pub fn init(title: []const u8, items: []SelectMenuItem) SelectMenu {
return .{ .title = title, .items = items };
pub fn reset(self: *SelectMenu) void {
self.focused_item = 0;
self.cancelled = false;
pub fn refresh(self: *SelectMenu, term_io: *TermIO) !void {
try term_io.print("{s}", .{self.title}, .{ .underline = true });
for (self.items, 0..) |_, i| {
try self.printItem(i, term_io);
pub fn show(self: *SelectMenu, term_io: *TermIO) !void {
try self.refresh(term_io);
while (true) {
const key: Key = term_io.getKey(true);
if (key.type == KeyType.SEQUENCE) {
const key_enum: SequenceKey = @enumFromInt(key.value);
switch (key_enum) {
SequenceKey.DOWN => try self.nextItem(term_io),
SequenceKey.UP => try self.prevItem(term_io),
else => continue,
switch (key.value) {
13 => break, // Enter
' ' => {
try self.toggleSelection(term_io);
0x1b, 'q' => {
self.cancelled = true;
'j' => try self.nextItem(term_io),
'k' => try self.prevItem(term_io),
else => continue,
fn printItem(self: *SelectMenu, item: usize, term_io: *TermIO) !void {
if (self.items[item].selected) {
try term_io.output(1, item + 2, "[X] {s}", .{self.items[item].name}, .{ .highlight = item == self.focused_item });
} else {
try term_io.output(1, item + 2, "[ ] {s}", .{self.items[item].name}, .{ .highlight = item == self.focused_item });
fn toggleSelection(self: *SelectMenu, term_io: *TermIO) !void {
self.items[self.focused_item].selected = !self.items[self.focused_item].selected;
try self.printItem(self.focused_item, term_io);
fn nextItem(self: *SelectMenu, term_io: *TermIO) !void {
if (self.focused_item < self.items.len - 1) {
try self.focusItem(self.focused_item + 1, term_io);
fn prevItem(self: *SelectMenu, term_io: *TermIO) !void {
if (self.focused_item > 0) {
try self.focusItem(self.focused_item - 1, term_io);
fn focusItem(self: *SelectMenu, item: usize, term_io: *TermIO) !void {
const previousSelection = self.focused_item;
self.focused_item = item;
if (previousSelection != self.focused_item) {
try self.printItem(previousSelection, term_io);
try self.printItem(self.focused_item, term_io);
pub const Menu = struct {
title: []const u8,
items: []MenuItem,
selected_item: usize = 0,
selected_value: usize = 0,
pub fn init(title: []const u8, items: []MenuItem) Menu {
for (items) |item| {
std.debug.assert(item.value != 0);
return .{ .title = title, .items = items };
pub fn reset(self: *Menu) void {
self.selected_item = 0;
self.selected_value = 0;
pub fn refresh(self: *Menu, term_io: *TermIO) !void {
try term_io.print("{s}", .{self.title}, .{ .underline = true });
for (self.items, 0..) |_, i| {
try self.printItem(i, term_io);
pub fn show(self: *Menu, term_io: *TermIO) !void {
if (self.items[self.selected_item].disabled) {
try self.nextItem(term_io);
if (self.items[self.selected_item].disabled) {
self.selected_item = 0;
try self.refresh(term_io);
while (true) {
const key: Key = term_io.getKey(true);
if (key.type == KeyType.SEQUENCE) {
const key_enum: SequenceKey = @enumFromInt(key.value);
switch (key_enum) {
SequenceKey.DOWN => try self.nextItem(term_io),
SequenceKey.UP => try self.prevItem(term_io),
else => continue,
switch (key.value) {
13 => break, // Enter
'0' => {
if (!self.items[9].disabled) {
try self.selectItem(9, term_io);
'1'...'9' => {
if (!self.items[key.value - '1'].disabled) {
try self.selectItem(key.value - '1', term_io);
0x1b, 'q' => {
self.selected_value = 0;
'j' => try self.nextItem(term_io),
'k' => try self.prevItem(term_io),
else => continue,
self.selected_value = self.items[self.selected_item].value;
fn printItem(self: *Menu, item: usize, term_io: *TermIO) !void {
if (item < 10) {
try term_io.output(1, item + 2, "{d}: {s}", .{ item + 1 % 10, self.items[item].name }, .{ .dim = self.items[item].disabled, .highlight = item == self.selected_item });
} else {
try term_io.output(1, item + 2, " : {s}", .{self.items[item].name}, .{ .dim = self.items[item].disabled, .highlight = item == self.selected_item });
fn nextItem(self: *Menu, term_io: *TermIO) !void {
var i: usize = self.selected_item;
while (i < self.items.len and (self.items[i].disabled or i == self.selected_item)) {
i += 1;
if (!self.items[i].disabled) {
try self.selectItem(i, term_io);
fn prevItem(self: *Menu, term_io: *TermIO) !void {
var i: usize = self.selected_item;
while (i > 0 and (self.items[i].disabled or i == self.selected_item)) {
i -= 1;
if (!self.items[i].disabled) {
try self.selectItem(i, term_io);
fn selectItem(self: *Menu, item: usize, term_io: *TermIO) !void {
const previousSelection = self.selected_item;
self.selected_item = item;
if (previousSelection != self.selected_item) {
try self.printItem(previousSelection, term_io);
try self.printItem(self.selected_item, term_io);
pub const Input = struct {
pos_x: usize,
pos_y: usize,
max_len: usize,
cursor_pos: usize = 0,
len: usize = 0,
text: []u8,
_allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, x: usize, y: usize, max_len: usize) !Input {
return Input{
.pos_x = x,
.pos_y = y,
.max_len = max_len,
.text = try allocator.alloc(u8, max_len),
._allocator = allocator,
pub fn deinit(self: *Input) void {;
pub fn reset(self: *Input) void {
@memset(self.text, ' ');
pub fn draw(self: *Input, term_io: *TermIO) !void {
try term_io.output(self.pos_x, self.pos_y, "{s}", .{self.text}, .{ .underline = true });
pub fn focus(self: *Input, term_io: *TermIO) !void {
try term_io.moveCursor(self.pos_x + @min(self.cursor_pos, self.max_len - 1), self.pos_y);
pub fn handleKey(self: *Input, term_io: *TermIO, key: Key) !void {
if (key.type == .ASCII) {
if (std.ascii.isPrint(key.value) and self.len < self.max_len) {
try self.insertChar(key.value);
try self.draw(term_io);
// try term_io.output(17 + input_len, 4, "{c}", .{key.value}, .{});
} else if (key.value == 0x7F and self.cursor_pos > 0 and self.len > 0) { // Backspace
try self.removeChar();
try self.draw(term_io);
// try term_io.output(17 + input_len, 4, " ", .{}, .{});
} else {
const key_enum: SequenceKey = @enumFromInt(key.value);
if (key_enum == SequenceKey.RIGHT and self.cursor_pos < self.len) {
self.cursor_pos += 1;
} else if (key_enum == SequenceKey.LEFT and self.cursor_pos > 0) {
self.cursor_pos -= 1;
} else if (key_enum == SequenceKey.DELETE and self.cursor_pos < self.len) {
self.cursor_pos += 1;
try self.removeChar();
try self.draw(term_io);
fn insertChar(self: *Input, char: u8) !void {
var i: usize = self.len;
while (i > self.cursor_pos) : (i -= 1) {
self.text[i] = self.text[i - 1];
self.text[self.cursor_pos] = char;
self.len += 1;
self.cursor_pos += 1;
fn removeChar(self: *Input) !void {
self.cursor_pos -= 1;
for (self.cursor_pos..self.len - 1) |i| {
self.text[i] = self.text[i + 1];
self.text[self.len - 1] = ' ';
self.len -= 1;
pub const TermIO = struct {
stdin: fs.File.Reader,
stdout:, fs.File.Writer).Writer,
tty_file: fs.File,
current_background: color.Color = color.Default,
current_foreground: color.Color = color.Default,
escape_sequence_queued: bool = false,
pub fn close(self: *const TermIO) void {
pub fn flush(self: *TermIO) !void {
try self.stdout.context.flush();
pub fn enterRawMode(term_io: *const TermIO) void {
orig_termios = posix.tcgetattr(term_io.tty_file.handle) catch unreachable;
var raw = orig_termios;
raw.iflag.BRKINT = false;
raw.iflag.ICRNL = false;
raw.iflag.INPCK = false;
raw.iflag.ISTRIP = false;
raw.iflag.IXON = false;
// raw.oflag.OPOST = false;
raw.cflag.CSIZE = posix.CSIZE.CS8;
raw.lflag.ECHO = false;
raw.lflag.ICANON = false;
raw.lflag.IEXTEN = false;
raw.lflag.ISIG = false;[@intFromEnum(posix.V.MIN)] = 0;[@intFromEnum(posix.V.TIME)] = 1;
posix.tcsetattr(term_io.tty_file.handle, posix.TCSA.FLUSH, raw) catch unreachable;
pub fn exitRawMode(term_io: *const TermIO) void {
posix.tcsetattr(term_io.tty_file.handle, posix.TCSA.FLUSH, orig_termios) catch unreachable;
pub fn saveScreen(term_io: *const TermIO) !void {
try term_io.stdout.print("\x1b[s", .{});
try term_io.stdout.print("\x1b[?47h", .{});
try term_io.stdout.print("\x1b[?1049h", .{});
pub fn restoreScreen(term_io: *const TermIO) !void {
try term_io.stdout.print("\x1b[?1049l", .{});
try term_io.stdout.print("\x1b[?47l", .{});
try term_io.stdout.print("\x1b[u", .{});
pub fn clear(term_io: *const TermIO) void {
term_io.stdout.print("\x1b[2J\x1b[H", .{}) catch unreachable;
pub fn setColor(term_io: *const TermIO, background: color.Color, foreground: color.Color) !void {
try term_io.setBackgroundColor(background);
try term_io.setForegroundColor(foreground);
pub fn setBackgroundColor(term_io: *const TermIO, background: color.Color) !void {
if (!background.equal(term_io.current_background)) {
switch (background.type) {
.Default => try term_io.print("\x1b[49m", .{}, .{}),
.RGB => try term_io.print("\x1b[48;2;{};{};{}m", .{,, }, .{}),
pub fn setForegroundColor(term_io: *const TermIO, foreground: color.Color) !void {
if (!foreground.equal(term_io.current_foreground)) {
switch (foreground.type) {
.Default => try term_io.print("\x1b[39m", .{}, .{}),
.RGB => try term_io.print("\x1b[38;2;{};{};{}m", .{,, }, .{}),
pub fn hideCursor(term_io: *const TermIO) void {
term_io.stdout.print("\x1b[?25l", .{}) catch unreachable;
pub fn showCursor(term_io: *const TermIO) void {
term_io.stdout.print("\x1b[?25h", .{}) catch unreachable;
pub fn moveCursor(term_io: *const TermIO, x: usize, y: usize) !void {
try term_io.stdout.print("\x1b[{d};{d}H", .{ y, x });
pub fn saveTitle(term_io: *const TermIO) !void {
try term_io.stdout.print("\x1b[22;2t", .{});
pub fn restoreTitle(term_io: *const TermIO) !void {
try term_io.stdout.print("\x1b[23;2t", .{});
pub fn setTitle(term_io: *const TermIO, title: []const u8) !void {
try term_io.stdout.print("\x1b]0;{s}\x1b\\", .{title});
pub fn print(term_io: *const TermIO, comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype, flags: PrintFlags) !void {
// try term_io.stdout.print("{s}{s}{s}{s}{s}" ++ format ++ "\x1b[0m", .{ if (flags.bold) "\x1b[1m" else "", if (flags.dim) "\x1b[2m" else "", if (flags.italic) "\x1b[3m" else "", if (flags.underline) "\x1b[4m" else "", if (flags.highlight) "\x1b[7m" else "" } ++ args);
_ = flags;
try term_io.stdout.print(format, args);
pub fn output(term_io: *const TermIO, x: usize, y: usize, comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype, flags: PrintFlags) !void {
// try term_io.stdout.print("\x1b[{d};{d}H{s}{s}{s}{s}{s}" ++ format ++ "\x1b[0m", .{ y, x, if (flags.bold) "\x1b[1m" else "", if (flags.dim) "\x1b[2m" else "", if (flags.italic) "\x1b[3m" else "", if (flags.underline) "\x1b[4m" else "", if (flags.highlight) "\x1b[7m" else "" } ++ args);
_ = flags;
try term_io.stdout.print("\x1b[{d};{d}H" ++ format, .{ y, x } ++ args);
pub fn drawBox(term_io: *TermIO, dims: dim.CalculatedDimensions, border: borders.Border, fill: bool) !void {
if (dims.size.width < 2 or dims.size.height < 2) {
try term_io.output(dims.pos.x, dims.pos.y, "{u}", .{border.top_left}, .{});
for (0..dims.size.width - 2) |_| {
try term_io.print("{u}", .{}, .{});
try term_io.print("{u}", .{border.top_right}, .{});
for (1..dims.size.height - 1) |h| {
try term_io.output(dims.pos.x, dims.pos.y + h, "{u}", .{border.left}, .{});
if (fill) {
try term_io.print("\x1b[{d}X", .{dims.size.width - 2}, .{});
try term_io.output(dims.pos.x + dims.size.width - 1, dims.pos.y + h, "{u}", .{border.right}, .{});
if (term_io.stdout.context.buf.len - term_io.stdout.context.end < dims.size.width * 3) {
try term_io.flush();
_ = term_io.getKey(true);
try term_io.output(dims.pos.x, dims.pos.y + dims.size.height - 1, "{u}", .{border.bottom_left}, .{});
for (0..dims.size.width - 2) |_| {
try term_io.print("{u}", .{border.bottom}, .{});
try term_io.print("{u}", .{border.bottom_right}, .{});
pub fn getKey(term_io: *TermIO, block: bool) Key {
var escape_sequence: [10]u8 = undefined;
var sequence_len: usize = 0;
// peek doesn't exist in 0.12.0 :(
while (true) {
if (!term_io.escape_sequence_queued) {
const c = term_io.stdin.readByte() catch |err| {
switch (err) {
error.WouldBlock => if (!block) return .{ .type = KeyType.ASCII, .value = 0 },
error.EndOfStream => if (!block) return .{ .type = KeyType.ASCII, .value = 0 },
else => {
std.debug.print("Error: {}\n", .{err});
if (c != 0x1b and sequence_len == 0) {
return .{ .type = KeyType.ASCII, .value = c };
term_io.escape_sequence_queued = false;
// Escape sequence
sequence_len = 0;
escape_sequence[sequence_len] = term_io.stdin.readByte() catch return .{ .type = KeyType.ASCII, .value = 0x1b };
while (true) {
sequence_len += 1;
const byte = term_io.stdin.readByte() catch
return decipherEscapeSequence(escape_sequence[0..sequence_len]);
if (byte == 0x1b) {
term_io.escape_sequence_queued = true;
return decipherEscapeSequence(escape_sequence[0..sequence_len]);
escape_sequence[sequence_len] = byte;
pub fn getTermSize(term_io: *const TermIO) dim.CalculatedDimensions {
var ws: std.posix.winsize = undefined;
const ret = std.os.linux.ioctl(term_io.tty_file.handle, std.os.linux.T.IOCGWINSZ, @intFromPtr(&ws));
if (ret == -1 or ws.ws_col == 0) {
std.debug.print("Failed to get terminal size\n", .{});
return dim.CalculatedDimensions{
.pos = .{ .x = 1, .y = 1 },
.size = .{ .width = ws.ws_col, .height = ws.ws_row },
pub fn getTermIO() !TermIO {
var bw =;
return TermIO{
.stdin =,
.stdout = bw.writer(),
.tty_file = try fs.cwd().openFile("/dev/tty", .{ .mode = .read_write }),
fn decipherEscapeSequence(sequence: []u8) Key {
if (sequence.len == 2) {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, sequence, &[2]u8{ '[', 'A' })) return .{ .type = KeyType.SEQUENCE, .value = @intFromEnum(SequenceKey.UP) };
if (std.mem.eql(u8, sequence, &[2]u8{ '[', 'B' })) return .{ .type = KeyType.SEQUENCE, .value = @intFromEnum(SequenceKey.DOWN) };
if (std.mem.eql(u8, sequence, &[2]u8{ '[', 'C' })) return .{ .type = KeyType.SEQUENCE, .value = @intFromEnum(SequenceKey.RIGHT) };
if (std.mem.eql(u8, sequence, &[2]u8{ '[', 'D' })) return .{ .type = KeyType.SEQUENCE, .value = @intFromEnum(SequenceKey.LEFT) };
} else if (sequence.len == 3) {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, sequence, &[3]u8{ '[', '3', '~' })) return .{ .type = KeyType.SEQUENCE, .value = @intFromEnum(SequenceKey.DELETE) };
return .{ .type = KeyType.SEQUENCE, .value = @intFromEnum(SequenceKey.UNKNOWN) };

zig-out/bin/panes Executable file

Binary file not shown.

zig-out/lib/libpanes.a Normal file

Binary file not shown.